Meet Our Grant Recipients
Since its inception, The Darren Daulton Foundation has issued 195 grants totaling over $500,000 for families struggling financially after a loved one has received a brain cancer diagnosis. Through our fundraising efforts we are able to grant financial assistance to those who qualify while they are struggling through this tough time. Meet some of our grant recipients and read their stories about how The Darren Daulton Foundation has helped them, below.
Shaun was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2013. Shaun was an avid racer but had to stop in 2021 due to his health. Shaun has undergone two brain surgeries, one in 2013 and the other in 2023. He was connected with the foundation through Jefferson Hospital, where he received his surgeries and other treatments. The Darren Daulton Foundation has helped Shaun pay his bills after his two surgeries because he could not work immediately after. Now, Shaun is currently undergoing chemo treatment, and he is 7 months in with 5 treatments left to go.
Frankie is currently 2 years old and was diagnosed with brain cancer in August 2023. Due to a very rare pediatric brain sarcoma, Frankie received numerous radiation and chemotherapy treatments. His diagnosis brought along a lot of stress and financial strain. When asked about the impact his diagnosis has had, Frankie’s mother Tenicha said, “It humbled us. We are more aware of how fragile life can be and the importance of being fully present in every moment”. The Darren Daulton Foundation gave Frankie’s family a grant to help pay medical and household bills.
Rhiannon was diagnosed with brain cancer in March 2022. She no longer can work or drive and is paralyzed on her left side. She has suffered a stroke and has had 2 surgeries since her diagnosis. Because of her limitations, she now uses an electric wheelchair and has had to move to a more accessible house. The Darren Daulton Foundation has helped Rhiannon and her family pay some household bills and for construction materials to make her home more handicapped accessible.

At the age of 3 Daniel was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma in March 2016. After his initial surgery, Daniel had to re-learn how to talk, walk, and use his left hand. Now at eleven years old, Daniel continues to receive physical, occupational, and speech therapy. The Darren Daulton Foundation has given Daniel’s family several grants towards medical bills allowing the family to continue to pay for Daniels’s therapy treatment.
David was diagnosed with brain cancer in August of 2023. David has undergone three craniotomy’s and with each surgery, as David’s wife Colleen puts it, “A little piece of him goes away.” David no longer has any recollection of numbers and limited motor skills as his condition progressed. The grant given by the Darren Daulton Foundation has allowed David’s family to make two house payments keeping a roof over their head while they continue to pay for David’s treatment.

Christine was diagnosed with brain cancer in August 2017. She worked in healthcare for her whole adult life before unfortunately being let go before the COVID pandemic officially started in March 2020. She has been declared permanently disabled by her doctor. The Darren Daulton Foundation has given two grants to the family that have lifted numerous financial burdens as Christine’s condition progresses.